Provide an explanation of the rules of Tajweed science in a modern way that makes it easier for the student and teacher, the reader and the reciter, with a smooth phrase that everyone can benefit from. It is not indispensable for the end-wisher, nor the novice student
-> The virtuous Egyptian sheikh of high bond <-
(Kawthar bint Muhammad bin Abd al-Fattah bin al-Khuli)
The honorable Egyptian Sheikha Al-Sindh Al-Sindh, Kawthar bint Muhammad bin Abd Al-Fattah bin Al-Khouly, who is authorized to read Hafs on Asim and the ten minor and then major readings, is a group of distinguished and well-known Sheikhs in various countries, and the author of many books on the sciences of Tajweed of the Qur’an and the ten readings, the most famous of which is the book (Siraj those looking for the ultimate in perfection in intoning the Qur’an), the book “The Siraj of those who walk in the path of the glorified ones” and the book “The Manarat Those Who Walk in Gathering the Ten Minor Recitations” which are permissible for a group of sisters who are masters, whether to read Hafs alone or to collect the ten minor and major recitations. We ask God to accept them and to Benefit and bless her life, oh God,
Official Page
The lessons of SE researchers
Siraj researchers applied study of the provisions of intonation